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Welcome to HealthDev.org. Our goal is to make sure that your health is a priority. You may be looking at ways to improve in certain areas or in general. If you are looking to build a healthy lifestyle, consider this your starting point.

Your physical health is important. We focus on areas such as your muscular and skeletal health. Have chronic back pain? We may have a solution that will work for you.

Want to keep active while preventing possible injury? There’s something you will find about that here. But your muscles and bones won’t be our only focus here.

We have information pertaining to your eye health, oral health, and so much more. Because you simply can’t focus on just one area of yourself. Everything is connected.

For example, good oral health can lead to good overall health. Makes sense, right? And the opposite of that can lead to not so good overall health.

Now that you have a sample of what we talk about here, what else can HealthDev do for you? We also help you find a health care provider near you. Yes, we can do that.

Why waste hours of your time on Google finding the right physical therapist? Why play phone tag with dentists within a 30-mile radius to see who can get you in sooner? HealthDev has a network of providers for all of your specific needs.

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Need a Chiropractor? A Dentist? A Physical Therapist?

It’s all found in the local network that we have curated for you. Our listings are updated on a regular basis so you have up to date information. You don’t have to travel out of town to get the right healthcare provider.

Our goal at HealthDev is making sure that you find the best one right in your hometown or nearby. Not only will it save you time, but possibly money as well. Think of us as your referral network that you can access on your computer or phone.

With a click of a button or a tap of a screen, we’ll match you with the practitioner that focuses on your specific needs. No more having to search on Google or make phone calls that end up being a whole lot of nothing.

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HealthDev has regular articles focused on all parts of your health. We’ll discuss everything from the signs that you may be dealing with something to preventing certain illnesses and injuries. We believe in looking out for you, whether it’s preventing something or otherwise.

What age are you? Are you 55 years or older? Are you looking for something for your child?

We have you covered. We’ll cover everything regarding your health no matter what age you are. Whether you’re 25 or 55, we’re always faced with something every single day. And we’ll show you how to treat something (if no medical attention is needed) or help you take the steps to prevent it from happening.

This is your health we’re talking about here. We don’t want you to forget about it. While we are not a substitute for your healthcare provider, it is important that mention the follow information:

  • Even though we provide information regarding your health, the advice of a medical professional should be followed. Do not replace them with information you find on here or elsewhere.
  • While we talk about prevention and treatment, we cannot make any guarantees. We also have no cures or treatments for you regarding any serious illnesses or injuries. Again, that’s where a health professional comes in. If you are suffering a medical emergency, dial 911 or go to your nearest emergency room if you are able to.

Your health is your responsibility. We want to make sure you’re maintaining the path to good health. Now that you are here, perhaps it’s time to do some exploring. To find out more on what we’re all about, check the ‘About Page’.

If you want to find out information regarding a certain area of your health, check out our articles. They are all organized by a specific category. If you don’t find anything pertaining to your health, feel free to reach out to us and we may create something specially for you. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, reach out to us on our contact page.

Last but not least, you can also use our ‘Find A Provider’ feature. You can find a healthcare professional in your local area and be matched up in minutes. Thank you for visiting HealthDev.

health providers in my area